Polyurea containment RoboLiners® produced with automated robot RoboLiner® manufacturing; we hold US Patent 8,500,941 B2, US 9,056,714 B2, and Canada Patent CA 2683244 for “secondary containment panels & process for making and installing same”.
Unlike field applied system, our patented system is manufactured in a controlled environment out of the wind and elements. The RoboLiners® arrive at the job site fully cured and ready for rapid installation. The Roboliner® is complete and doesn’t require any additional spray such as the application of texture or additional millage. They are produced in a variety of sizes customized to fit any job size.
Extensive QA/QC is done on each RoboLiner® and each RoboLiner® is tested and recorded insuring the best product possible.
Time of installation is greatly reduced and less time on site means lower mobilization cost and reduced production time. Not to mention reduced material waste, this in turn reduces costs.